
2020 Year End Wrap Up and Stats

We’re going to start with general chat, then get into the sales data and charts. So scroll down if you’re interested in the data more than my ramblings about the year. This is a long post, like usual. Holy Crap what a year 2020 was. Definitely one that will go down in history. The year started out normal with higher than average winter sales. Then, the end of March brought us COVID-19. On March 20th, we closed up the house to in-store sales due to the rising virus numbers. On…


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2019 Year End Stats

2019 was a crazy year for us at KWs Disc Golf. We started the year in a brand new house, and my in-store customer base grew substantially. My goal for 2019, as stated at the end of 2018 was to boost inventory from 3000 discs in stock up to 4000 discs. That didn’t quite happen mainly due to taking more paychecks out of the business to pay for the new house and such. We were able to get up to around 3400 discs in stock. We’ll see how 2020 pans…


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2019 Quarter 3 Stats

Quarter 3 of 2019 is gone and we’re tearing into the final stretch of the year. Time flies! This will be a long post with a lot of quantity number breakdowns, including full lists of every mold that I sold. I’m not a large shop like Infinite. They carry more inventory at any given time than my total yearly sales. I do average around a thousand discs per month, so it’s a decent market view, I feel. Companies that I carried in 2019 are as follows: MVP, Axiom, Streamline, Dynamic…


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2019 Quarter 2 Stats

Quarter 2 of 2019 is gone and so is half of the year. Time flies! This will be a long post with a lot of quantity number breakdowns, including full lists of every mold that I sold. I’m not a large shop like Infinite. They carry more inventory at any given time than my total yearly sales. I do average over a thousand discs per month, so it’s a decent market view, I feel. Companies that I carried in 2019 are as follows: MVP, Axiom, Streamline, Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64,…


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2019 Quarter 1 Stats

Quarter 1 of 2019 has come and gone. Time flies! This will be a long post with a lot of quantity number breakdowns, including full lists of every mold that I sold. I’m not a large shop such as DGC or Infinite, but I feel like it’s a decent market view for smaller shops that can’t order thousands of discs at a time. Companies that I carried in 2019 are as follows: MVP, Axiom, Streamline, Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64, Westside, Discmania, Innova, Discraft, Prodigy, Kastaplast, RPM, Mint Discs. Note: RPM…


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2018 Year End

2018 was a crazy year for us at KWs Disc Golf. In April we broke ground on building our new house. In December, we moved in! The amount of space that I have to work with is about double what I’ve ever had. My goal in 2019 is to boost inventory from the 3000 discs I currently have in stock, up to 4000 discs. We’ll see how that all pans out. It’s going to depend on my cash flow vs. personal cash needs (which are going to be pretty high…


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2018 Quarter 1 Stats

Quarter 1 of 2018 has come and gone. Time flies! This will be a long post with a lot of quantity number breakdowns, including full lists of every mold that I sold. I’m not a large shop such as DGC or Infinite, but I sold about 20K discs in 2017, so it’s a decent market view, I feel. Companies that I carried in 2017 are as follows: MVP, Axiom, Streamline, Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64, Westside, Discmania, Innova, Discraft, Prodigy, Kastaplast, Millennium, Hyzer Bomb. If a mold doesn’t show up on…


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2017 Quarter 4 Stats

Well, Quarter 4 and 2017 have now passed us. I hope everyone had a great year! This will be a looooooong post with a lot of quantity number breakdowns, including full lists of every mold that I sold. The fourth quarter is the first quarter that I have ever kept detailed stats on quantities of discs sold. I’ve always just kept a basic inventory showing what’s out, or close to being out of stock for ordering purposes. I’m not a large shop such as DGC or Infinite, but I sold…


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