2017 Quarter 4 Stats
Well, Quarter 4 and 2017 have now passed us. I hope everyone had a great year! This will be a looooooong post with a lot of quantity number breakdowns, including full lists of every mold that I sold.
The fourth quarter is the first quarter that I have ever kept detailed stats on quantities of discs sold. I’ve always just kept a basic inventory showing what’s out, or close to being out of stock for ordering purposes. I’m not a large shop such as DGC or Infinite, but I sold about to 20K discs in 2017, so it’s a decent market view, I feel.
Companies that I carried in 2017 are as follows: MVP, Axiom, Streamline, Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64, Westside, Discmania, Innova, Discraft, Prodigy, Millennium, Hyzer Bomb.
If a mold doesn’t show up on the list, then I didn’t sell any of them this quarter.
I categorized anything speed 10 and above as a distance driver, based on each company’s numbers. Of course there will be border line discs that don’t use the four number flight system, but this is the way that I did it.
The list, in order of the most quantity sold:
1 | Innova | Destroyer |
2 | Axiom | Mayhem |
3 | Innova | Beast |
4 | Innova | Boss |
5 | Dynamic Discs | Defender |
T6 | Dynamic Discs | Sheriff |
T6 | Innova | Shryke |
T6 | Dynamic Discs | Trespass |
T6 | Innova | Wraith |
10 | MVP | Photon |
11 | MVP | Octane |
T12 | Innova | Colossus |
T12 | Dynamic Discs | Enforcer |
T12 | Westside | King |
T12 | Streamline | Trace |
T16 | MVP | Catalyst |
T16 | MVP | Relativity |
T16 | MVP | Wave |
T16 | Westside | World |
T20 | Innova | Firestorm |
T20 | Axiom | Insanity |
T20 | Innova | Mamba |
T23 | Innova | Ape |
T23 | Latitude 64 | Ballista |
T23 | Innova | Katana |
T23 | Discmania | PD2 |
T23 | Axiom | Vanish |
T28 | Latitude 64 | Bolt |
T28 | Dynamic Discs | Criminal |
T28 | Discmania | DD2 |
T28 | MVP | Limit |
T28 | Westside | Sorcerer |
T28 | Westside | Sword |
T34 | Prodigy | D3 |
T34 | Westside | Destiny |
T34 | Latitude 64 | Havoc |
T34 | Dynamic Discs | Renegade |
T34 | MVP | Teleport |
T34 | Axiom | Tenacity |
T34 | Axiom | Wrath |
T34 | Prodigy | X3 |
T42 | Westside | Boatman |
T42 | MVP | Catapult |
T42 | Prodigy | D1 |
T42 | Axiom | Defy |
T42 | MVP | Inertia |
T42 | MVP | Orbital |
T42 | Innova | Orc |
T42 | Discmania | PD |
T42 | Latitude 64 | Stiletto |
T42 | Discraft | Thrasher |
T52 | Latitude 64 | Cutlass |
T52 | Prodigy | D2 |
T52 | Axiom | Fireball |
T52 | Dynamic Discs | Freedom |
T52 | Latitude 64 | Halo |
T52 | Discraft | Machete |
T52 | Westside | Queen |
T52 | Latitude 64 | Riot |
T52 | Discmania | TD |
T52 | Innova | Teedevil |
T52 | Axiom | Thrill |
T52 | Axiom | Virus |
T52 | Prodigy | X4 |
T52 | Innova | XCaliber |
T66 | Prodigy | D4 |
T66 | Discmania | DDX |
T66 | Latitude 64 | Falchion |
T66 | Latitude 64 | Flow |
T66 | Discraft | Force |
T66 | Westside | Giant |
T66 | MVP | Impulse |
T66 | Millennium | Scorpius |
T66 | Latitude 64 | Scythe |
T66 | Innova | Tern |
T76 | Innova | Archon |
T76 | Millennium | Astra |
T76 | Discraft | Avenger SS |
T76 | Discraft | Crank |
T76 | Discraft | Crank SS |
T76 | Latitude 64 | Culverin |
T76 | Innova | Daedalus |
T76 | MVP | Dimension |
T76 | Innova | Dominator |
T76 | Westside | Fortress |
T76 | Latitude 64 | Gladiator |
T76 | Prodigy | H1 |
T76 | Prodigy | H3 |
T76 | Innova | Monarch |
T76 | MVP | Motion |
T76 | Innova | Mystere |
T76 | Discraft | Nuke |
T76 | Discraft | Nuke SS |
T76 | Millennium | Quasar |
T76 | Latitude 64 | Villain |
T76 | Innova | Vulcan |
T76 | Prodigy | X5 |
T98 | Millennium | Aries |
T98 | Discraft | Avenger |
T98 | Prodigy | D5 |
T98 | Prodigy | D6 |
T98 | MVP | Energy |
T98 | Prodigy | H4 |
T98 | Latitude 64 | Missilen |
T98 | Westside | Northman |
T98 | Discraft | Nuke OS |
T98 | Axiom | Panic |
T98 | MVP | Phase |
T98 | Latitude 64 | Raketen |
T98 | Innova | Starfire |
T98 | Discmania | TD2 |
T98 | Prodigy | X2 |
The Innova Destroyer pretty much lived up to it’s name and destroyed the rest of the competition, by a TON. This has been the norm for a long time, though. No surprises there. The Axiom Mayhem has been really hot since it launched, and the fourth quarter numbers are no real surprise to me. The Innova Beast may be a little bit of a surprise at number three, but they had sick IDye Beasts at Halloween that sold like hotcakes.
Fairway Drivers
The list, in order of the most quantity sold:
1 | Innova | Firebird |
2 | MVP | Tesla |
3 | Dynamic Discs | Escape |
4 | Innova | Teebird |
5 | Latitude 64 | Trident |
6 | Innova | Leopard |
7 | Latitude 64 | River Pro |
8 | MVP | Volt |
8 | Dynamic Discs | Convict |
T10 | Westside | Ahti |
T10 | MVP | Amp |
T12 | Innova | Roadrunner |
T12 | Latitude 64 | Saint Pro |
T13 | Axiom | Crave |
T13 | Latitude 64 | River |
T13 | Innova | Thunderbird |
T13 | Discraft | Undertaker |
T13 | Innova | Valkyrie |
T19 | Latitude 64 | Diamond |
T19 | Westside | Hatchet |
T19 | Axiom | Inspire |
T19 | Innova | Sidewinder |
T19 | MVP | Signal |
T24 | Discmania | CD2 |
T24 | Innova | Leopard3 |
T24 | Innova | TL3 |
T27 | Latitude 64 | Bryce |
T27 | Axiom | Clash |
T27 | Innova | Eagle |
T27 | prodigy | F7 |
T27 | Dynamic Discs | Felon |
T27 | Westside | Stag |
T33 | Dynamic Discs | Breakout |
T33 | Discraft | Mantis |
T33 | Westside | Seer |
T33 | Innova | Teebird3 |
T33 | Dynamic Discs | Thief |
T33 | Latitude 64 | Vision |
T33 | Dynamic Discs | Witness |
T40 | Innova | Archangel |
T40 | Innova | Dragon |
T40 | prodigy | F5 |
T40 | MVP | Inertia |
T40 | Millennium | Orion LF |
T40 | Millennium | Orion LS |
T40 | MVP | Relay |
T40 | MVP | Resistor |
T40 | Latitude 64 | Saint |
T40 | MVP | Servo |
T40 | MVP | Shock |
T40 | MVP | Switch |
T40 | Westside | Underworld |
T53 | Innova | Banshee |
T53 | prodigy | F2 |
T53 | prodigy | F3 |
T53 | Latitude 64 | Fury |
T53 | Discraft | Heat |
T53 | Millennium | JLS |
T53 | Westside | Longbowman |
T53 | Discmania | TDX |
T53 | Latitude 64 | XXX |
T62 | Millennium | EXP-X |
T62 | Discmania | FD |
T62 | Discraft | Impact |
T62 | Latitude 64 | Jade |
T62 | Latitude 64 | Maul |
T62 | Millennium | Polaris LS |
T62 | Discraft | Predator |
T62 | Latitude 64 | Striker |
T62 | Innova | TL |
T62 | Discraft | XL |
T62 | Discraft | XS |
There weren’t many surprises at the top of the fairway driver list. The Innova Firebird typically nabs the top spot each quarter, and the MVP Tesla always has a strong showing. The Latitude 64 Trident has reappeared since the relaunch of the mold in Burst and Moonshine plastics.
The list, in order of the most quantity sold:
1 | Discraft | Buzzz |
2 | HyzerBomb | Mortar |
3 | Innova | RocX3 |
4 | Innova | Roc3 |
T5 | Dynamic Discs | EMac Truth |
T5 | Dynamic Discs | Justice |
7 | Innova | Roc |
8 | Innova | Mako3 |
T9 | Westside | Pine |
T9 | Westside | Warship |
11 | Dynamic Discs | Verdict |
12 | MVP | Tangent |
T13 | Axiom | Alias |
T13 | Westside | Tursas |
T15 | Innova | Gator |
T15 | Innova | Manta |
T15 | Axiom | Theory |
T18 | Latitude 64 | Claymore |
T18 | MVP | Matrix |
T18 | Dynamic Discs | Suspect |
T21 | MVP | Axis |
T21 | Discraft | Comet |
T21 | Latitude 64 | Compass |
T21 | Dynamic Discs | Truth |
T21 | MVP | Vector |
T26 | Latitude 64 | Anchor |
T26 | Dynamic Discs | Evidence |
T26 | Latitude 64 | Gobi |
T26 | prodigy | M2 |
T26 | Innova | Wombat3 |
T31 | Millennium | Aurora MS |
T31 | Discraft | Buzzz OS |
[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]
T31 | Latitude 64 | Mace |
T31 | Discmania | MD4 |
T31 | Innova | Shark |
T31 | Innova | Spider |
T31 | Discraft | Stratus |
T31 | Dynamic Discs | Warrant |
T39 | prodigy | A1 |
T39 | prodigy | A2 |
T39 | prodigy | A4 |
T39 | Discraft | Archer |
T39 | Westside | Bard |
T39 | Discraft | Buzzz SS |
T39 | Discraft | Drone |
T39 | Latitude 64 | Fuse |
T39 | Innova | King Cobra |
T39 | prodigy | M1 |
T39 | prodigy | M3 |
T39 | prodigy | M4 |
T39 | prodigy | M5 |
T39 | Discmania | MD1 |
T39 | Discmania | MD2 |
T39 | Discmania | MD3 |
T39 | Discraft | Meteor |
T39 | Innova | Mirage |
T39 | Innova | Panther |
T39 | Innova | Skeeter |
T39 | Westside | Sling |
T39 | MVP | Tensor |
T39 | MVP | Vertex |
T39 | Discraft | Wasp |
T39 | Innova | Wolf |
Should be no surprise that the Buzzz is at the top spot, BUT, that was really fueled by the Halloween release. Without that release, the Buzzz would be in the bottom quarter of the list for this quarter. Hyzerbomb released their new Big Jerm Mortar this quarter and those sold out quickly, which gave them a jump up to number two on the list. The Innova RocX3 was bumped up quite a bit due to the Halloween Pumpkin stamps. Mids, overall, were pretty slow sellers for me this quarter, besides the special runs.
The list, in order of the most quantity sold:
1 | Axiom | Envy |
2 | Dynamic Discs | Judge |
3 | Latitude 64 | Pure |
4 | Westside | Harp |
5 | Dynamic Discs | Deputy |
T6 | Latitude 64 | Dagger |
T6 | MVP | Ion |
8 | Innova | Aviar |
9 | Discmania | P2 |
10 | Innova | Nova |
11 | prodigy | PA3 |
12 | MVP | Particle |
13 | Westside | Crown |
T14 | Dynamic Discs | Slammer |
T14 | Dynamic Discs | Warden |
T16 | MVP | Atom |
T16 | Dynamic Discs | Marshal |
18 | Millennium | Omega |
19 | Innova | Aviar3 |
T20 | Innova | AviarX3 |
T20 | Discraft | Challenger |
T20 | prodigy | PA4 |
T23 | Latitude 64 | Gauntlet |
T23 | Westside | Shield |
T23 | MVP | Spin |
T26 | Latitude 64 | Mercy |
T26 | prodigy | PA1 |
T26 | Axiom | Proxy |
T27 | Discraft | Banger GT |
[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]
T27 | Discmania | P1 |
T27 | Streamline | Pilot |
T27 | Latitude 64 | Sarek |
T33 | MVP | Anode |
T33 | Latitude 64 | Caltrop |
T33 | Latitude 64 | Macana |
T33 | Discmania | P1X |
T33 | Discmania | P3X |
T33 | Innova | Rhyno |
T33 | Discraft | Roach |
T33 | Westside | Swan |
T41 | Innova | Birdie |
T41 | Discraft | Chall OS |
T41 | Discmania | P3 |
T41 | prodigy | PA2 |
T41 | Innova | Pig |
T46 | Innova | Aviar Classic |
T46 | Innova | Aviar Driver |
T46 | Latitude 64 | Beetle |
T46 | Innova | Colt |
T46 | Innova | Dart |
T46 | Dynamic Discs | Gavel |
T46 | Innova | Mirage |
T46 | Latitude 64 | Sinus |
T46 | Latitude 64 | Spike |
T46 | Innova | Stud |
T46 | HyzerBomb | Tank |
T46 | Innova | Wedge |
T46 | Discraft | Zone |
The putter category was dominated by the Axiom Envy this quarter. The Envy saw a Halloween release that had one of the best stamps that I’ve ever seen. All 50 of them sold out within minutes. The Envy also got the Electron treatment to help run the table in the category. If you take away the Halloween release, the Envy is still in the top spot. No surprise with the rest of the list. Trilogy putters typically have sold very well.
Percentages and Stats
Let’s make this post a little bit longer. I’m a stat man and built my spreadsheets to calculate a bunch of random basic data in one place.
Total Molds Sold Per Company
Axiom | 10 |
Discraft | 10 |
Discmania | 6 |
Dynamic | 7 |
Hyzer Bomb | 0 |
Innova | 21 |
Lat64 | 15 |
Millennium | 4 |
MVP | 15 |
Prodigy | 13 |
Streamline | 1 |
Westside | 10 |
[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]
Axiom | 3 |
Discraft | 7 |
Discmania | 3 |
Dynamic | 6 |
Hyzer Bomb | 0 |
Innova | 15 |
Lat64 | 13 |
Millennium | 5 |
MVP | 10 |
Prodigy | 4 |
Streamline | 0 |
Westside | 6 |
[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]
Axiom | 2 |
Discraft | 9 |
Discmania | 4 |
Dynamic | 7 |
Hyzer Bomb | 1 |
Innova | 14 |
Lat64 | 6 |
Millennium | 1 |
MVP | 6 |
Prodigy | 8 |
Streamline | 0 |
Westside5 |
[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one]
Axiom | 2 |
Discraft | 5 |
Discmania | 5 |
Dynamic | 6 |
Hyzer Bomb | 1 |
Innova | 14 |
Lat64 | 10 |
Millennium | 1 |
MVP | 5 |
Prodigy | 4 |
Streamline | 1 |
Westside | 4 |
[/fivecol_one] [fivecol_one_last]
Total Molds:
Axiom | 17 |
Discraft | 31 |
Discmania | 18 |
Dynamic | 26 |
Hyzer Bomb | 2 |
Innova | 64 |
Lat64 | 44 |
Millennium | 11 |
MVP | 36 |
Prodigy | 29 |
Streamline | 2 |
Westside | 25 |
Percentage of Discs Sold Per Company
Innova | 25.65% |
Dynamic Discs | 14.22% |
MVP | 11.91% |
Latitude 64 | 11.48% |
Axiom | 10.90% |
Westside | 8.53% |
Discraft | 6.03% |
Prodigy | 4.34% |
Discmania | 3.71% |
Millennium | 1.45% |
Hyzer Bomb | 1.01% |
Streamline | 0.77% |
This stat is one of the most important stats for me. It shows what’s hot, and what’s not. Obviously Innova came out as top seller this quarter, and every other quarter too. A slight surprise this quarter is how low Discmania is. Their overall 2017 sales are pretty good, but this quarter wasn’t so good. Trilogy had a stronger Q4 than Q2&Q3. Their sales here have jumped over the past couple months. MVP/Axiom is holding their own, too, but down a little bit over Q2&Q3. Streamline needs some more molds!! Discraft has been on a steady decline for 4 years in a row unfortunately. Prodigy usually stays around 5% or so, just enough to keep them on the shelves. They haven’t had in incline or decline in a few years, just steady. Millennium/Hyzerbomb will likely be dropped from our lineup as their stuff slowly sells out. I have limited space and I use these numbers to determine which smaller companies get the floor space.
Every now and then I get asked about Legacy. I haven’t carried them in a while due to lack of sales. They only accounted for 3% of my overall sales in the two year stretch that I carried them. At that time, Millennium/Hyzerbomb outsold them 2:1 so I kept those on the racks. One day, when I get more floor space, I’ll pick them up again
Combined Companies
One last pointless stat that I think is fun to look at is combining companies into who molds them or their fan bases. Like I said, this is a pointless stat, but still interesting to stats people.
Percent of overall discs sold for Q4:
DD/Lat64/Westside – Trilogy | 34.23% |
MVP/Axiom/Streamline | 23.58% |
Innova/Discmania/Millenium/Hyzerbomb | 31.82% |
Well, that’s about it folks. Thank you all for supporting KWs Disc Golf. Hope you had a great 2017 and here’s to a great 2018!!